Thought Pieces…

Cameron Armstrong Cameron Armstrong

Every company needs an innovation strategy

Big companies self-admittedly move slowly, yet, change to their business is happening every single day.

The first changes that happen take place in small increments that are often hardly noticeable.

But slowly but surely, these changes will keep on happening until it’s too late.

Innovation must be at the core of any company's strategy for growth.

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Cameron Armstrong Cameron Armstrong

The disconnect between media & creative

The best campaigns are when a creative insight, is tied with exceptional media execution.

Media and advertising have been viewed as separate entities in the marketing world for too long.

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Cameron Armstrong Cameron Armstrong

The need for Social Purpose

Great companies don’t just grow, they have a purpose.

A purpose that defines their values and principles. A purpose that people are proud to be associated with.

A purpose that leads to progress.

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Cameron Armstrong Cameron Armstrong

Community is key

In 1994, the world went online.

But many publishers are still facing the same struggles today.

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